
The Best Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent for a Healthier Home

By: Paxton Ruzicka

Published: January 22, 2023

Choosing an affordable, non-toxic laundry detergent will put you one step closer to a healthier home.

The Problem:

Don’t let the wonderful smell fool you. Each piece of clothing you pull out of the washing machine contains residue from the harmful concoction of chemicals we call laundry detergent. This residue is absorbed by the skin, (especially when you sweat), and can lead to a number of health concerns.

Commercial detergent is a lot more harmful than we are led to believe. But there is a natural solution. A non-toxic laundry detergent.

The Solution:

I am talking about soap nuts. Straight from the Sapindus Mukorossi tree itself. Funny enough, soap nuts, are actually berries (and safe for those with a nut allergy). Derived from the shell of a soapberry nut and native to the tropical conditions of Nepal and India.

Soooooo, by now I am sure you are wondering what this fruit is doing in your washing machine? Here me out. Soap nuts contain a natural soap called saponin. When wet, the shell releases it saponin creating soap! A natural detergent alternative and 100% biodegradable.

Perfect for sensitive skin

Soap nuts are safe and hypoallergenic, perfect for newborns and young children. I would recommend anyone with sensitive skin, eczema, or those who don’t care for the strong scents of many commercial detergents to try soap nuts. (If you have skin concerns, always check with your dermatologist before switching).

Soap nuts are eco-friendly

non-toxic laundry detergent

For many reasons, soap nuts are the better choice detergent. For one, they are great for your environmental impact. Soap nuts are sustainable, as they are harvested, not manufactured.

The Sapindus tree is extremely hardy as it grows in the harshest conditions. Growing with such resilience, fertilizers and pesticides are not necessary. After their useful life, you can compost them, bringing the whole process full circle.

Additionally, you can use as little as four soap nuts for up to seven loads of laundry. Talk about cost effective.

How to use soap nuts?

person using washing machine
Photo by RDNE Stock project

As far as I know, soap nuts are all created equally. But these are my favorite from Mountain Rose Herbs. And by favorite, I mean the only kind I ever tried. And that decision was based solely on my love and trust for the company.

To use soap nuts, you simply add 4-6 nuts to a mesh bag. I bet you could throw them into an old sock and tie it up and it’d work just the same. The bag keeps the nuts from getting lost in the laundry and potentially clogging your wash machine.

While the soap nuts are meant to be used in the washer, keep them out of the dryer. Instead let them dry naturally. The heat from the dryer will deteriorate them much faster. Although, I have accidentally thrown mine in the dryer a time or two (or five) and it’s been totally fine.

non-toxic laundry detergent

Whether you are looking for a non-toxic laundry detergent alternative or your child has sensitive skin, soap nuts are worth trying!

Want to learn more about up-ing your laundry game? Read here about making sustainable and cost saving choices.

By Paxton Reed

Eating Plants and Repeating Outfits

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