Why Thrifting is The Superior Shopping Experience

By: Paxton Ruzicka

Published: February 4, 2023

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It’s hard to exist today without hearing about global warming or more recently, fast fashion. If you aren’t familiar, fast fashion is the term used to describe the mass production of cheap trendy clothing. This is done at a fast pace in order to keep up with the demand of our ‘instant gratification’ culture. As a result, fast fashion is exploiting wage workers, creating a disposal mentality, and significantly harming the lives of people, animals, and the planet overall. That’s why thrifting is the superior shopping experience.

Believe it or not our personal choices play a huge part in these issues. I have read so much on overconsumption and the damage it has caused our planet. That is why I’m writing to you. To bring a little light and positivity to these dark issues.

With that, I bring you thrifting.


Thrifted items are pre-loved but have enough life left for the next person. By thrifting our clothing, we keep one more item out of the landfill.

Buying secondhand not only reduces the amount of clothing in the landfill, it also reduces the demand for new clothing.

Diamond in the rough

For me, nothing beats someone complimenting your outfit and having the response “thanks, it’s from the thrift store”.

Thrifting is, hands down, one of my favorite things to do. What’s not great about thrifting? You can’t beat it – inexpensive, quality clothing. Well, kind of.

It doesn’t always come that easy. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it does. But those times are few and far between. But doesn’t the hunt make finding that perfect piece that much better?

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Riffling through aisles and aisles of people’s junk can definitely be cumbersome. Depending on the thrift store, Goodwill for example, tends to take just about anything and put it on the racks. Whereas Community Aid or a local shop will be more likely to pick and choose. These places come as an easier transition from a department store. But in my opinion, places like Goodwill are where you find those unique, vintage items that tell a story. Items that aren’t your everyday look. And of course, wherever you decide to shop, you could always find new items with tags. Such a steal.

Be open minded

I would definitely recommend going in with an open mind. An “I’m not sure what I am going to find” attitude. You will overall have a much better experience. There is so much to thrift. From flea markets to garage sales, you can find antiques, furniture, books, and even home decor.

Heck, you can even thrift from the comfort of your own home. From online retails like thredUp and Poshmark to Facebook Market, even your grandma’s closet, you never know what you are going to find.


Shopping for the greater good

By shopping secondhand, you are supporting the local community. More often than not, these stores are non-profits run in order to raise money for charities. According to Goodwill, on every dollar spent, Goodwill contributes about 82 cents to programs and services for people in need.

Try to avoid overconsumption

Now that we discussed all the good with buying secondhand, remember this, just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean you have to buy it. Overconsumption is the biggest problem facing our planet. While thrifting is a great remedy for fast fashion, it doesn’t mean we should overdo it either.

If thrifting isn’t for you, check out my other articles on ethical clothing. 

By Paxton Reed

Eating Plants and Repeating Outfits

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