
Start Sustainable Living Now – With These Reliable Kitchen Swaps

Whether you are building the eco-friendly home of your dreams or you just really want to save a buck, these smart kitchen swaps are a great way to start sustainable living.

Sustainable kitchen dishcloths

I’m sure by now you are tired of buying paper towels. They are expensive and seem to disappear soooo quickly. What if I told you there is a better option? (Or a few)!

Swedish Dishcloths

Swedish dishcloths are the perfect paper towel replacement. Although there are many different brands creating these dishcloths, they all seem to be doing the same thing. Typically made up of 70% Cellulose (wood pulp) and 30% Cotton, they are super absorbent and quick drying. Since they are such quick drying, they never start to smell!

One cloth is said to replace up to 17 paper towels and to top it off, they are machine washable (yes, dishwasher or washing machine). Completely replace paper towels with this sustainable kitchen swap.

notpaper towels

Another really great product to replace your paper towels, is notpaper towels. The name spells it out for you, they are NOT paper towels. Instead, they are 100% cotton, multipurpose cloths. I love how they are machine washable and super absorbent.

Notpaper towels are greener than the alternative because they are compostable, reusable, and sustainably made. As an additional tip to keep these towels easily accessible, wrap them around your already existing paper towel holder!


These scrubbies are made from 100% cotton, but what makes them great is their coating, which is made from tree resin. This coating adds an abrasive texture that can clean the grime off almost anything. You can use them on nearly all surfaces and although they have an abrasive texture, they will not scratch the surface you are using them on.

These scrubbies are also machine washable and can last you upward of 2 years! Perfectly replace your old smelly non-recyclable sponge with these cute yet durable EuroScrubby's.

Zero-waste soap

While were on the topic of doing dishes, let's discuss the benefits of bar soap.

Choosing bar soap, for one, guarantee's there is no packaging to dispose of when its all said and done. And by choosing a product that has no packaging you are reducing the energy that goes into creating the packaging, as well as, disposing of the packaging. Off to a great start.

Your sustainable living journey can be that much better when you opt in for the solid soap option. Now I am sure you have heard of a bar body soap, but you can also get hand soap or my personal favorite dish soap in the bar form. You can check out my favorite solid dish soap here, my last article.

When buying more sustainable products, its key to look for clean, natural ingredients. This will save you from unnecessary exposure to chemicals but also drive the demand for companies to be better.

Non-toxic dishwasher detergent

No need to leave behind toxic residue on your dishes either. There are plenty of non-toxic dishwasher detergent out there. Many of them are plastic-free too!

Blueland Dishwasher Tablets are a fantastic option and a plastic-free alternative. No harsh chemicals yet proven to work.

Another pod option, Dropps Pods come fragrant and dye free. They are created using mineral-based ingredients and packaged with a low waste mentality in mind.

Both of these companies have non-toxic laundry detergent and other cleaning products as well. Read here to learn how to up your laundry game.

My personal favorite, Earthley Wellness Certified Organic Dishwasher Detergent. With no artificial colors, and no added phosphates or parabens, this product is gentle yet effective. This detergent comes in a powder form and costs as little as 0.37 cents per cycle.

sustainable living

Reduce your waste

Reusable sandwich bags

You can reduce your plastic waste by swapping your plastic sandwich bags for reusable sandwich bags. Many different brands are jumping on this bandwagon. You can get these silicone bags in all shapes and sizes. They are dishwasher and microwave safe and have many different purposes.

Aside from silicone, there are cloth bags with zippers or even Velcro. And you can't forget about beeswax wraps which naturally stick together with the heat of your hands. All of these are hand washable and wonderful alternatives to plastic.

sustainable kitchen
Check out this cute 5 pack!

Reusable baking mats

Baking mats are a way to reduce waste such as aluminum foil and parchment paper. Silicone is naturally non-stick so you can minimize the amount of oil you are using as well. Make sure you are purchasing 100% food grade silicone that is oven safe!

Reusable coffee filter

This is swap near and dear to my heart. I LOVE my coffee. There are so many ways you can do this. From a pour over, to a French press, your morning coffee routine can absolutely be minimalistic. As much as I love a good French press or pour over, I have become lazy with my old age (28, old, I know).

I recently switched over to a coffee pot with a reusable filter and I absolutely love it. The filter can be cleaned and rinsed like any other dish in your sink. No need to continue buying paper filters! And although I don't have a Keurig, you can purchase reusable k-cups as well. The options for a more sustainable cup of coffee are endless.

Kiss Teflon goodbye

sustainable living
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Pexels.com

My last swap is a big one. As we strive to be more sustainable, we want to find products that are long lasting, and also not harmful to our health. When it comes to non-stick cookware, the idea sounds nice, but if the cookware contains Teflon, we want to steer clear. Teflon is not a safe choice.

One of my favorite bloggers, Irina Webb from I Read Labels For You has a wonderful guide to keep you safe when buying cookware. Stainless steel, cast iron, and glass cookware are far superior. Personally, we like to use Le Creuset. A tried-and-true brand, their products are said to last a lifetime. It doesn't get much more sustainable than that.

Now that you have a few simple swaps on your way to sustainable living, remember the most sustainable product is the product you already own. By using items you already own ensures that that product gets the used to its fullest. When you are ready to replace a less sustainable product, strive for something durable, long lasting and eco-conscious.

This post contains affiliate links meaning I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. That being said, I only recommend products I love and trust.

By Paxton Reed

Eating Plants and Repeating Outfits

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