
5 Signs of a Leaky Gut and How to Heal It

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Gut health is the source of all health. An unhealthy gut can disrupt the body and cause many other issues like mood disorders, chronic fatigue, acne, rashes, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, allergies, and more says Mark Hyman, MD. One common type of gut issue is a leaky gut.

This condition is given the name leaky gut because it impacts the effectiveness of the lining of your stomach. Your stomach lining is crucial to protect your body from harmful bacteria and toxins as stated in Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. Hyperpermeability caused by leaky gut syndrome, causes food particles and other nasties to pass into the bloodstream says Harvard Health.

leaky gut
Photo by Sora Shimazaki

5 Signs of Leaky Gut

In the same article by Harvard Health, the modern American diet is a huge factor contributing to leaky gut, but it can also be causes by stress and alcohol consumption.

While the signs are hard to pinpoint because they are also similar to other health conditions, here are 5.

  • Digestive system issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or gas
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Acne or other skin issues
  • Food sensitives, allergies, or intolerance
  • Widespread inflammation or joint pain
leaky gut
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

How to Heal Leaky Gut

To start healing leaky gut, you want to take a serious look at your diet. Diet can have a huge impact on your overall health, especially in your gut. In order for your gut to thrive it needs good bacteria. Medanta explains bad bacteria can contribute to chronic inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Medanta suggests foods such as

  • Root vegetables – broccoli, beets, carrots, spinach, ginger, mushroom, potatoes
  • Fruits – pineapple, banana, lemons, limes, oranges, and strawberries
  • Health fats – coconut, avocado, almond oils
  • Fatty fish – salmon and tuna
  • Raw nuts – almonds or peanuts

Other foods include

  • Brown rice
  • Fermented food – sauerkraut (bought in the refrigerator section)
  • Beans
leaky gut
Photo by Valeria Boltneva

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While there are many great foods to add to your diet, there are quite a few foods you want to avoid as well.

  • Wheat-based products – bread, pasta
  • Processed meats – deli meat, beef jerky, hot dogs
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Dairy – cheese, milk, ice cream
leaky gut
Photo by Andres Ayrton

While there are other things you can do to help heal leaky gut, food is going to be the most beneficial and natural way of healing it.

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By Paxton Reed

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