
15 Remarkable Reasons to Eat a Plant-Based Diet

plant-based diet

Switching over to a plant-based diet was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It has opened my eyes to food I have never eaten and health benefits I never seen before.

What is a plant-based?

A plant-based diet is consuming foods primarily made of plants. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. There are many different plant-based diets including vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, and so on. Each diet ranges differently in terms of how much or how little animal products, but one thing they have in common is, they are centered around plants.

plant-based diet
Photo by Maria Orlova

15 Benefits of Eating a Plant-Based Diet

1. ) Disease Prevention

There is a direct correlation between diet and disease. Unhealthy diet is the number one cause of death in the United States. This includes nutrition-and-obesity-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes reported by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of many diseases including heart disease, blood pressure, types of cancer, and can even stabilize blood sugar, explains Harvard.

plant-based diet
Photo by Navada Ra

2. ) Immune Support

Plants are loaded with the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals keep your body balanced and healthy so your immune system can perform optimally, proclaimed MD Anderson Cancer Center. Plants also help fight off infection and protect you against germs and microorganisms says Andrea Murray, MD.

3. ) Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the leading cause of chronic disease

Forks Over Knives

In addition, MD Anderson says those same antioxidants and phytochemicals also move around your body neutralizing toxins from bacteria, viruses, pollution, and more – reducing inflammation.

Frontiers of Nutrition report diets high in fat and processed meats have been positively correlated with C-reactive protein (CRP) or inflammatory markers. CRP help doctors determine the risk of inflammation in the body and risk of heart attack, for example.

The same study specifically dives into the association between plant-based diets and Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory immune disease. The Physicians Committee of Responsible Medicine states that a plant-based diet can reduce inflammation and reduce pain and swelling.

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4. ) Gut Health

Gut health plays a significant role in overall health. Frontiers in Nutrition documents the positive relationship between a plant-based diet and a stable and more diverse microbial system. Gut health aids in digestion and allows for nutrients to be better absorbed by the body.

5.) Energy

Vegan foods help fight tiredness. And with digestion being easier (due to the reduction in animal products), your body can conserve energy. Plus, there are many superfoods out there that can naturally increase your energy. Foods like apples, oats, quinoa, spinach, sweet potato, and so on. Learn more about how to introduce these foods into your diet.

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6. ) Diverse Colorful Cuisine

As I mentioned above, going plant-based has introduced me to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables I never would have tried otherwise. Many cuisines around the world are vegetable-based.

In a recent survey by Pew Research Center, 81% of Indian adults limit their meat consumption and 4 in 10 consider themselves vegetarian. The people of Ethiopia restrict their animal products for religious reasons, so their cooking is extremely plant friendly. Jamaican, Japanese, Mediterranean cultures are also eat a diverse variation of fruits and vegetables.

Recipes with this type of inspiration can teach you new exciting ways of cooking.

7.) Slows Aging

Plant-centered diets can promote health and longevity and even slow aging, according to The Beet. The article notes that foods such as carrots can slow cellular aging, almonds fight off wrinkles, and green tea is known to regenerate skin.

8.) Athletic Performance

plant-based diet
Photo by Victor Freitas

I am sure you have heard by now, there are very successful world-class athletes that follow a plant-based diet. Seven-time Grand Slam singles titles and 14 Grand Slam Women’s doubles titles, Venus Williams has been a raw vegan since 2011. Ultramarathon runner, Scott Jurek saw veganism as a long-term solution to his family’s chronic health problems. Barny du Plessis, bodybuilder, saw radical improvement to his performance after switching to minimize his ever-growing list of health concerns. After returning to the stage, Plessis won Mr. Universe in 2014. The list of athletes from Business Insider goes on – read more here.

9.) You can eat more

My favorite benefit, you eat more! Plant-based foods are low in calories so you can enjoy larger portion sizes.

10.) Weight Management

Eating more vegetables and less meat has been shown to lower body weight. This study by NASM indicates weight loss and weight management over time due to the lower caloric intake.

plant-based diet
Photo by Viktoria Slowikowska

11.) Saves you money on groceries

Did you ever happen to notice how expensive meat is? Steak, seafood, ground beef is usually the highest priced item on your bill (especially if you are opting for a better quality). Beans, legumes, and grains are far cheaper (even more so when purchased dry) and contain far more nutrients than meat. You can keep your grocery bill even lower by buying what’s in season or even growing your own.

12. ) Mental Health

In the article Food and Mood: Eating Plants to Fight the Blues, research suggests that dietary changes can enhance and improve mood without the need for medication. Depression stems from a chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters and inflammation of the brain. In agreement with Food and Mood, antioxidants and phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables aid in damage repair and decrease inflammation.

plant-based diet
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

13. ) Reduced Carbon Footprint

When it comes to global warming, there is no doubt a connection between increased temperature and animal farming. There is even a term now called plantary-diet. Eating to support the wellness and longevity of our planet.

Reducing animal proteins is going to lower your carbon footprint by the water, greenhouse gases, and waste byproducts that come along with the production of these foods. If you want a more in-depth look, read this article The Case for Plant Based | UCLA Sustainability.

14. ) Marine Life Destruction

The ocean is a powerful being with climate-healing abilities. Truth or Drought says 80% of the world’s oxygen comes from phytoplankton so obviously the ocean is vital to our own health. The amount of destruction, specifically from fishing, is causing great harm to delicate balance of marine life. The exploitation of our oceans is worse now than ever before. For a full explanation Trust of Drought clearly spells it out for us.

15. ) Mind Opening

Plant-based eating has evolved me for the better. It has opened my mind to a new way of living, different cultures, world issues, compassion for animals, and people questioning the status quo.

Wrapping up

With less than 10% of American’s consuming enough fruits and vegetables, I would highly recommend taking a good hard look at your eating habits and how they are affecting your health.

You by no means need to completely flip flop overnight. I understand how overwhelming it can be to change years of eating habits. Start with small changes and I guarantee you will be feeling better in no time.

Additional information

Check out this fantastic TED Talk from Caldwell Esselstyn director of Heart Disease Reversal Program and a leader in the plant-based food movement.

This post contains affiliate links meaning I may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using these links. That being said, I only recommend products I love and trust.

By Paxton Reed

Eating Plants and Repeating Outfits

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